Construction and Operation for the New Sanitary Landfill in Tripoli City
Description of Works:
A. Construction:
01/ Topographic survey of the area
02/ Bathymetric survey of the Project Area
03/ Removing of soft material under the main Breakwater
04/ Construction of the main Breakwater
05/ Construction of a Mound at the landside of the area & internal mounds to separate the different cells of the Landfill
06/ Supply and install geosynthetic liner for landfill cells
07/ Backfill into Cell # 1 up to + l.5m above sea level with clean backfill
08/ Operations for Cell# I and continue construction works for Cell #2 and Cell #3
09/ Design and execution of Leachate Collection System & Leachate Treatment Plant
10/ Design and execution of a Gas collection and flaring system
B. Operation:
01/ Operation and Maintenance of the Landfill
02/ Weighbridge operation, inspection of incoming waste, dispatching incoming trucks to active face of cell, compaction waste, placing daily cover…
03/ Operation and Maintenance of the leachate and Landfill gas systems
04/ Final closure of the Landfill